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Лучшие истории октября!

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Конкурс Story Telling - Лучшие истории октября!  29.10.2016 03:47

С началом учебного года у нас стартовали традиционные конкурсы! Особой популярностью в этом году пользуется конкурс рассказчиков - и мы поздравляем победителей каждой недели октября! Спасибо всем за душевные осенние шоколадные истории!

Победителем первой недели стал Александр Ушаков, вот его рассказ:

chocolate in my pocketI had a chocolate in my pocket. Aunt Lida gave it to me.
Most peoploe strongly believe that chocolate brings happiness. Someone puts a piece of chocolate  in his mouth and feels sweetness of happiness while it is melting. Aunt Lida thinks the same way.
But I have a different opinion. When I put a piece of chocolate in my mouth I feel sick. The chocoltae is too sweet!
So, I have never thought that chocolate brings happiness.
But one day when I came to school I saw that a girl named Esenia was sad. She lost her hat somewhere. I remembered about the chocolate in my pocket. I gave it to Esenia and she smiled. Then we went out to the school yard and found her hat. Since then we became friends. And I was happy for 2 years while we were studying together.
Now I strongly believe that chocolate really brings happiness!

Победительницей второй и третьей недели становится Соня Воронкова, поздравляем! Вот рассказы-победители:

chocolate marchmallow

Long ago, when the trees were taller and the sweets were even better, there lived a girl called Marshmallow. She was so kind and wonderful that everybody loved her. But how it always happens in tales since they were born, there were some people who were envious about her. So the day, I'd like to tell you about, took place in winter. That was a Christmas night.
In the land where Marshmallow lived each Christmas was celebrated with a ball. If you could only know how gorgeous it was! Each lady wore a wonderful long dress with laces and embroidery, but gentlemen wore not only white and black tail-coats. The outfits of a couple were made in that way that they were similar (for example, in colour or embroidery)
The ball was at its highest point when Marshmallow went outside to the lake. In summer it was extremely beautiful. It was crystal clear so that you could see every  water plant and fish at the bottom of the lake. But in winter it was absolutely covered with ice and even if you break it you could see only dirty water filled with sludge ('cause of that nobody ever broke it in winter as it was better with ice)
Marshmallow sat on a bench which was near the lake. Five minutes later she noticed some people coming up to her by... skates! When they came closer they shouted to Marshmallow if she wanted to skate on the ice of the lake. They seemed so kind that she agreed and put on skates.
Skating on the lake was awesome! Everyone was dancing as swans. Everything seemed fine. Poor Marshmallow didn't understand they were pretending. They surrounded her and skated around until the ice began breaking. So when it all broke Marshmallow fell into a cold dark water. The only things which reminded people about her were little white sweets from her dress.
Even through the ages since then on Christmas  day people drink hot chocolate with marshmallows.

И в завершение - история-рецепт третьей недели:

Here is how I cook my favourite sweet "potato" cake. Firstly you need to prepare the ingredients. For that you'll need:
- 4 eggs
- 1 glass of sugar
- butter (200 grams)
- condensed milk
- 2 or 3 table spoons of cocoa
So you need to mix sugar, cocoa, eggs into homogeneous mass and then put it into a fridge and wait until it gets frozen. It can take about 2 or 4 hours (depends on a fridge)
After you can decorate your sweets in anyway. You can do it with cream. As for me I decorate cakes with M&M's (like a hedgehog)
So, your "potato" cake is ready! By the way, it became a tradition of my family to cook such sweets for the New Year's party. My brother and I always make them in a shape of some creatures or things (for example, as a snowman)

У нас уже есть истории четвертой недели, но мы ждем еще рассказы! Вдруг победителем четвертой недели станешь ты?


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