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PostDoc: первый шаг во взрослую жизнь  28.12.2018 21:51

Прошла очередная сессия Кембриджских экзаменов, и в этом году как никогда много наших выпускников рекомендованы к зачислению на нашу стажерскую программу PostDoc. Многие уже видели наших стажеров в лагере или ведущих занятия в городе - став стажерами, ребята делают первый шаг во взрослую жизнь и получают возможность попробовать себя в разных современных профессиях "в полевых условиях".

В современном мире недостаточно общеобразовательных предметов, даже совершенного знания английского, чтобы преуспеть. Современные исследователи неоднократно упоминают важнейшие навыки, которым не учат в школе: тайм-менеджмент, умение принимать решения, критический отбор информации, лидерство, креативность.

Программа PostDoc построена принципиально иначе, нежели традиционные системы образования. В основу ее заложены самостоятельность и проектный менеджмент. Наши стажеры, как полноправные взрослые, работают с дедлайнами, планами и целями. Успешность проектов, как и успешность всей программы, зависит исключительно от личной вовлеченности - программа работает до тех пор, пока человеку это интересно. И чем больше стажер вовлечен в происходящее - тем большему он может научиться, тем больше он может получить для себя.

Вот что пишут наши стажеры о своем опыте:

Вячеслав МассалитовI indirectly became a PostDoc in the camp,when I tried out being a team captain. That was an extraordinary experience for be, since then I was thinking about joining a PostDoc. PostDoc is all about opportunities, if you are interested in not just doing projects, but you are looking for some new experience/challenge - it is for you. Being a PostDoc for me is mostly communicating with students,as I took up 2 teaching projects, I wanted to see some changes and I did see. I realized how important are the time managing and the entertaining components in one's lesson. You can’t be a PostDoc and just fool around, you have to be interested in what you are doing - as any deal in real life - you won’t cut much ice if you feel bored doing it.
Андрей Шичков: I still remember thinking about becoming a PostDoc around two years ago. For me it was quite a spontaneous decision. For me it was kind of a difficult step, but still it was a step forward. So, I took my exam, wrote an application letter and now I see the result of all these actions and zero regrets in my head.  So far my experience is not going as smooth as I would wish it to go, but still I’m pretty excited about what’s going to happen next. Seems that what I’m going to give as advice to a newcomer is to try and master time-managing and learn how to accumulate all your energy (or what’s left of it) onto what you need to do. And, the most important thing is not to hesitate to ask for assistance, whether those are teachers or your friends.
Олег Исаков: I became a PostDoc after passing the TOEFL exam on a result equal to B2 level of English. Previously, I was quite active at the UK’s camp sessions, been a captain a few times. After my teacher saw the results of my exam, I was asked if I wanted to become a PostDoc. Of course I answered “Yes”. I could not miss such an opportunity. Also, I needed 2 or 3 recommendations from teachers and I had them from my camp leaders. Now, I choose one or more projects for a semester to complete. For an example this semester I had a Campleading project, in which I helped teachers to organize the Autumn Camp session “Doctor Who”. It was quite engaging to play The Doctor and to support kids in completing their quest. Moreover, this upgrades my teamleading skills, which is important to me. As you can see projects help us, PostDocs, to try something new or get better at something we already know. What I would recommend for newcomers: get ready to work with deadlines. You’ll have to learn to manage your time, so you complete everything on time. Moreover, prepare yourself for quite a lot of team work, because such thing as Team Project also exists.



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